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Главная » 2008 » Апрель » 15 » Обновление плагина GalaxytoolBar
Обновление плагина GalaxytoolBar
Плагин обновился до версии 2.1.5

Скачать можно с наших сайтов:
Jino-net.ru - http://ogame-alliance.jino-net.ru/download/galaxyplugin_2.1.5.zip
BPlaced.net - http://alliancekill.zx.ru/download/galaxyplugin_2.1.5.zip
или можно воспользоваться автообновлением плагинов.

Что изменилось:

v 2.1.5

 * small bugfix which removed the ALERT() window if you view a galaxyview which shall not be uploaded to a galaxytool

v 2.1.4

 * if you view the alliance stats sorted by member points, the stats will not be updated at the galaxytool any more

v 2.1.3

 * fix: alliance statistics were not sent correctly

v 2.1.2

 * removed leading spaces at names of players and alliances at stats

v 2.1.1

 * ogame stats can be read again (v 0.78c)

v 2.1

 * added debug functionality
* removed useless html code from toolbar data upload to reduce traffic (allyhistory)
* toolbar now sends the universe number (galaxytool will check against it)
* toolbar now sends the toolbar version number (galaxytool will check if there are problems with this version)
* you can hide the status window
* you can specify which ogame pages shall be sent to the galaxytool
* new pages sent to the galaxytool: buildings, research, fleet and defense (update own reports)
Категория: Новости Сайта | Просмотров: 1042 | Добавил: KMichael | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Апрель 2008  »


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